The Reading Nook: Carolina Parent

Skimming through community magazines is a great pastime activity for me.  I don't get to indulge much but when I do it is a moment of pleasure.  Seeing what activities and what people in my community are chatting about is intriguing.  So In the Carolina Parent October issue I noticed a short article, 5 Ways To Enjoy The Outdoors.  With each listed suggestion, I began to question if I really exposed my kids to the outdoors. Do they have an understanding of nature? You remember growing up, how nature was a big part of our childhood.  I would enjoy hours of bike rides with neighborhood friends, resting on a blanket in the backyard while discovering puffy shapes in the clouds, the occasional walks to the Candy Lady's house and the artsy crafts designed with crunchy fall leaves.  Outside activities were so much fun! Fast forward to present day and my little ones are somewhat deprived of the great outdoor adventures….maybe not.  
Sky and Buddy (class bear) at the park

1. Go to the park headed the list.  Maybe we are little outdoor adventurers.  We do a weekly park visit (sometimes twice/week). North Carolina has a ton of beautiful parks to enjoy.  Free fun is always nice.  

2. Encouraging outdoor play with friends was second on the list.  Now, I fall short with this activity.  My toddlers experience is enjoying the outside balcony.  Well, until they started throwing objects over the railing (pictures, clothing, toys, and wrenches).  That didn't go so well.

3. Visiting Pumpkin Patches ended the list of adventures.  I am all over this one! Pumpkin Patches are a great way to celebrate the Fall season.  Also, Fall festivals through local churches and organizations always add additional enjoyment to the outdoor adventures.  Some of these festivals are free or may cost a small fee.  Look in your community magazine to see the festivals that are in your area.  

The Fall weather is nice and outdoor fun is calling.  What are some ways you and your kids enjoy the Fall season? 

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